The Belgian Climate Centre seeks to fund two synthesis science projects led by
interdisciplinary teams that apply innovative approaches, as well as state-of-the art
compilation and analysis techniques to existing data sets and information, with the aim to
advance evidence-based decision making in the Belgian public and private sectors. We invite proposals that focus on the research topics of overshoot and societal tipping processes. Synthesis science projects can be focused on Belgium, on other regions with broad expertise (e.g., Congo Basin, Antarctica), or on continental (e.g., EU) or global scale.
To foster interdisciplinary research collaboration on these topics, this call involves the
creation of two Working Groups of up to 20 scientists and stakeholders, each lead by a team of up to 4 Principal Investigators (PIs). For each topic, one Working Group will be supported. This includes support for multiple meetings at the Belgian Climate Centre, as well as a post-doctoral fellowship for one early-career Working Group member.
The proposal submission process consists of two stages:
all interested PI teams are invited to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) by April 15, 2024.
After evaluation of the LOIs, a selection of PI teams will be invited to submit a full proposal by September 1, 2024. In Fall 2024, two full proposals (one per topic) will be recommended for funding.
The call is open to Belgian research institutes and stakeholders only. Proposals will be evaluated by the Scientific Board of the Belgian Climate Centre on their scientific merit, novelty, complementarity and interdisciplinarity of the PI team, transfer of knowledge to stakeholders, and potential for societal impact.
The full call for proposals document, with all details, can be consulted hereunder: