Historical climate data for Belgium are now available for researchers on RMI’s OpenData site, giving scientists access to historical monthly climate series and daily climate grid data for Belgium after simple registration. This project was initiated by the Belgian Climate Centre and aims to help researchers better understand and address the complex challenges of climate change.
Available data
1. Long climatological series
We provide long homogenized time series of monthly mean temperatures for 61 stations across Belgium.
These include 16 homogenized historical time series of monthly mean temperatures starting in 1880 or later and continuing through 2023.
And 45 homogenized historical time series of monthly average temperatures for the period 1954-2015.
We provide long, homogenized time series of monthly precipitation for 110 stations across Belgium, the oldest of which begin in 1880. They all end in 2015 and will be incrementally extended to the present in the coming months.
2. Daily gridded climate data for the whole of Belgium
We provide a daily interpolation product of observations on a 5x5 km grid covering the whole country, i.e. one value for each grid point.
Available data are :
Minimum and maximum temperatures since 1961
Precipitation amounts in mm since 1961
Global horizontal solar radiation and sunshine duration since 1984 (using MFG and then MSG satellite data).

Location of homogenized monthly temperature series pre-1928 to 2023
An invitation to explore
We invite the academic community to explore RMI’s new OpenData site and make use of the resources made available. Whether you are an experienced researcher or just starting out, this platform is designed to provide reference climate data for Belgium.
Link to the OpenData site: https://opendata.meteo.be/